Friday, July 6, 2007

Poo and Tumors

Oh. Hm. Who are these fakers? Why is life so scary? Hm. Oh, now the questions are HAUNTING ME! Well. Erm. Oooh, I've got some cool songs! They are very lovely, and Henry's iPod just froze. Hahahhhh, he's upset. Hahahaha. The dogsitter is here. She's looking after Patsy while Bradley's at work. Ahahah, Patty had a POO! AHAHHAH! The person just said your not supossed to feed dogs peppers. Hahahh, thats all we feed Patrick. Just like the cheese... we fed Patrick cheese the first few months we got him till the vet told us that it gave him pancreatitus(sp?) Hahahah...we don't know anything about dogs.... Heheh. I think I have tumors. Hahhah, maybe I have cancer... or maybe they're just bugbites...there was a mosquito in my room last night... Anyway, I'm gonna go now to PACK! Yay, I'm so excited! Ahhahah!
Why is life scary?

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